Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Only in Lobo Batangas

Man sitting at the manger....preparing himbabao ,the leafy vegetable he climbed from tall tree...its only here...

Province of Batangas, Philippines

Rabies Prevention and control- Dogs and cats

Prevention of the spread and eventual eradication of dogs and cats rabies is one of the main concerns of Provincial Veterinary. Rabies a highly fatal disease caused by a lyssa virus is transmitted mainly through the bite of an infected animal and is characterized by muscle paralysis, hydrophobia and aerophobia, and other neurological manifestations. The vaccination against rabies of the dog and cat is necessary once every year with the same type of vaccine, in order to avoid dogs and cats contact diseases. The Provincial Government allocates funds for the purchase of anti rabies vaccine “Rabisin (Merial)”, an inactivated vaccine for the prevention of rabies in dogs and cats that can be given to dogs Three (3) month old and above and not pregnant. The vaccine, Rabisin (Merial) administered will effect after Two (2) weeks, however it is important not to wet and bath the dog within Three (3) days.
It is recommended that both dogs and cats receive this annual booster. A booster vaccination is usually required for killed vaccines that do not replicate in the animal once they are injected. The label directions will indicate when and if a booster vaccination is required. Failure to give the booster at the proper time could result in an incompletely protected adult animal even if that animal is vaccinated every year thereafter. For cats, vaccination starts when they reach six-eight weeks, because they too have natural protection from the mother in their body up to that point. Anti rabies, yearly booster, 1 ml per head vaccine was given to Forty Four (44) dogs and Five(5) cats in Brgy. San Miguel, Lobo. Private Veterinaries charge P300.00 in anti rabies vaccine and professional fee amounting to P375.00 per vaccine contrasting to One Hundred Peso (P100.00) per shot budget of the Province and freely given. The Brgy .Captain Roosevelt Duenas expressed his appreciation to Governor Vilma Santos projects and allocations to his Barangays.

Chicken Hipraviar-S (Eye Drop)- San Miguel Lobo Batangas

Paramyxovirus 1 or Newcastle Disease is a highly contagious viral disease affecting poultry of all ages. Affected species include chickens, turkeys, pigeons and ducks. The virus involved is Paramyxovirus PMV-1, which is of variable pathogenicity. Signs are typically of disease of the nervous, respiratory or reproductive systems. Morbidity is usually high and mortality varies 0-100%. Higher mortality is seen in velogenic disease in unvaccinated stock. Hipraviar –S is an attenuated live medication for the prevention of Newcastle Disease in fowls. Dr. Rommel Marasigan gave a quick orientation about the relevance and proper eye dropping of the medicines to Barangay Officials and gave them some for their strayed chickens. According to the veterinarian, the medicine is imperatively stored in a refrigerator between 2 ºC – 8 ºC, should not be frozen and protected from light, they should not expose the medicine to either direct sunlight or extreme heat during the vaccination procedure. Important to remember that the entire contents should be used when first opened and do not store for future use. They should also burn empty vaccine containers or bury under the ground all unused contents and do not slaughter chickens for human consumption within 21 days after the medication. 1 week old healthy chick can have the eye drop medication of NCD vaccine or 5 ml Hipraviar-S. For their Six (6)-month protection against Newcastle’s Disease.
In the activity, they administered to Ninety Three (93) heads of chickens, through eye drop in healthy chicks from 1 week-old with 1 dose per head. Estimated cost of medicine is One Hundred Pesos (P100.00) per head. The content of the vial was re suspended with the diluents and eye drop using a suitable dropper. They held fowl in such a way that a drop can be placed onto the surface of one of the eyes. The drop spread across the surface of the eye and they did not release the fowl until a swallowing motion has been noted.

Cow Vaccination - San Miguel Lobo Batangas

Vaccination programs for cows are designed to protect animals in the herd against disease caused by infectious organisms, such as viruses or bacteria. Vaccines contain killed or modified live organisms which do not cause disease but stimulate the animal's immune system to mount a response. A vaccine cannot prevent infection but will increase the animal's ability to throw off the infection or lessen the severity of the disease.
Cows aged Six (6) month old and above except pregnant were given a shot of 5 ml. Hemorrhagic Septicemia Vaccine, against a highly fatal bacterial disease seen mainly in cattle. In susceptible animals, the clinical signs often progress rapidly from dullness and fever to death within hours. Because the disease develops so quickly, few animals can be treated in time, recovery is rare and outbreaks are particularly common during rainy weather, when the organism can spread readily. It is the Provincial Veterinary office challenge to administer complete immunization to cows before rainy season . A total of Twenty Eight (28) or 100% of qualified cows in the Barangay, mostly intended for buy and sell and not for farming were vaccinated in the activity. Each shot of 5 ml. Hemorrhagic Septicemia Vaccine estimated cost is Fifty Pesos (P50.00) and a total of P1,400.00 worth of medicine were used in cow vaccination . The vaccine that will give them Four (4) month of protection was free supply from Bureau of Animal Husbandry. Identified enabling factors were the capabilities of Dr. Rommel Marasigan, the veterinarian and his assistant Mr. Nestor mastery of the art of vaccination, quick movements with safety precautions and full understanding of animal behaviors.
Cow owners were very cooperative and they fully support the program due to high cost of private veterinarian vaccine and professional fee amounting to Nine Hundred Pesos (P900.00), in additional with their service priority mostly intended for large farms.