Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Rabies Prevention and control- Dogs and cats

Prevention of the spread and eventual eradication of dogs and cats rabies is one of the main concerns of Provincial Veterinary. Rabies a highly fatal disease caused by a lyssa virus is transmitted mainly through the bite of an infected animal and is characterized by muscle paralysis, hydrophobia and aerophobia, and other neurological manifestations. The vaccination against rabies of the dog and cat is necessary once every year with the same type of vaccine, in order to avoid dogs and cats contact diseases. The Provincial Government allocates funds for the purchase of anti rabies vaccine “Rabisin (Merial)”, an inactivated vaccine for the prevention of rabies in dogs and cats that can be given to dogs Three (3) month old and above and not pregnant. The vaccine, Rabisin (Merial) administered will effect after Two (2) weeks, however it is important not to wet and bath the dog within Three (3) days.
It is recommended that both dogs and cats receive this annual booster. A booster vaccination is usually required for killed vaccines that do not replicate in the animal once they are injected. The label directions will indicate when and if a booster vaccination is required. Failure to give the booster at the proper time could result in an incompletely protected adult animal even if that animal is vaccinated every year thereafter. For cats, vaccination starts when they reach six-eight weeks, because they too have natural protection from the mother in their body up to that point. Anti rabies, yearly booster, 1 ml per head vaccine was given to Forty Four (44) dogs and Five(5) cats in Brgy. San Miguel, Lobo. Private Veterinaries charge P300.00 in anti rabies vaccine and professional fee amounting to P375.00 per vaccine contrasting to One Hundred Peso (P100.00) per shot budget of the Province and freely given. The Brgy .Captain Roosevelt Duenas expressed his appreciation to Governor Vilma Santos projects and allocations to his Barangays.

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